
The UK FND Network

 The UK FND Network Constitution is reproduced below. Here are the current committee members.

This is a new network so we are still trying to get things right. If you think a registered UK FND charity or stakeholder is not represented please contact us using the Contact page  above.


Niels Detert (Chair)

Niels Detert (Chair)

Clinical Neuropsychology

Clinical Neuropsychology, BPS

Clare Nicholson (Secretary)

Clare Nicholson (Secretary)

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy, RCOT

Glenn Nielsen

Glenn Nielsen


Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

Amanda Hall

Amanda Hall

FND Friends

Director of FND Friends

Steven Webster

Steven Webster

FND Dimensions

Director of FND Dimensions

Kim Hearne

Kim Hearne

FND Action

Director of FND Action

Stephen Betteridge-Sorby

Stephen Betteridge-Sorby


Chair – FND Hope UK & Board Member – FND Hope International

Jon Stone

Jon Stone


ABN and FND Society

Tim Nicholson

Tim Nicholson



Chris Burton

Chris Burton

General Practice


Lorna Dixon

Lorna Dixon

Speech and Language Therapy


Susannah Pick

Susannah Pick

Academic Representative / Neuropsychology

Co-opted Member

Ben Baig

Ben Baig

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry


Jeanette Bramald

Jeanette Bramald

FND Matters NI

Director of FND Matters NI

Hamilton Morrin

Hamilton Morrin



Our Constitution

  1. Name

The name shall be UK Functional Neurological Disorder Network (UK FND Network)


  1. Background Information

UK FN Forum previously existed as an informal network of multi-disciplinary clinicians and researchers (and includes patient support organisations) to share knowledge and promote the profile of functional neurological symptom disorder (FNSD).  The network hosted a website (www.fnforum.org) as well as a Facebook page, which had a combined number of subscribers of over 700 multi-disciplinary and multi-national individuals, as well as interested members of the public.

A proposal was submitted to the British Neuropsychiatry Association (BNPA) AGM in March 2018 for the BNPA host UKFNF, which was passed by attending members. In November 2022 the committee decided to change the name to UK FND Network, and for practical considerations decided to consider leaving the BNPA, which was confirmed in March 2023.


  1. Objectives

To provide a formal, UK ratified body of multi-disciplinary professionals and patient representative organisations to represent and promote the interests of patients with functional neurological disorders (FND).

To provide a committee to help develop national recommendations for assessment, treatment and service delivery in FND.

To provide a committee which can respond to consultation documents and FND features in the media and to support colleagues and organisations in developing FND services.

To support, where appropriate, FND research.


  1. Membership

UKFND Network will be a formal committee, comprising of official representatives from interested UK stakeholding organisations (e.g. RCPsych: British Psychological Society; ABN; Chartered Society of Physiotherapists; RCN; RCGP; RCSALT; College of Occupational Therapists; UK Academic Rep; FND Hope; FND Action).

Any UK non-commercial organization, active in the field of FND, with formal status (e.g. Registered Charity, Professional Body, Accredited academic institution) can apply to be elected to the committee, following its inauguration.

An inaugural committee will be established (see 5.) and Representatives from the above organisations will be offered a place on the committee, contingent upon sponsorship from their professional organization.

The committee reserves the right to co-opt individual members.


  1. Committee Structure

An inaugural UKFND Network Committee will be established, which will stand for three years from the first formal, quorate meeting.  This will be achieved by inviting members of the FN Forum steering group to represent their professional organisations, and to identify key individuals of relevant experience to represent organisations not covered by the steering group.

Where a stakeholding organisation has separate divisions, it will be expected that the organisation will propose one Representative from a neuro-specific division within its organisation.  Under normal operating circumstances, FND Network will only have one Representative from each organisation, although under special circumstances (such as specific project work), it can be agreed for stakeholding organisations to provide a second Representative, if they so wish. 

Additionally, the Committee shall appoint an Executive, consisting of the Chair, Deputy Chair, and Secretary.


  1. Elections

Elections for Representatives to sit on the Committee from new eligible organisations will take place following a written submission to the Secretary and will be considered by the existing Committee at the next formal meeting or by e-mail discussion.

Stakeholding organisations are responsible for how they decide upon selecting their Representative, with the caveat given in 5. 

The Committee will decide who is elected to executive positions (i.e. Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary).  Eligible candidates will be serving members of the committee.  All terms of office are for three years.  A maximum of six consecutive years in office is allowed.  Ordinary Members of the Committee will follow these same regulations, although their selection will be the responsibility of their parent organisation.  The Executive will be responsible for monitoring terms in office/membership and will notify the Committee and parent organisations of impending elections.

In the absence of any candidates standing for election to the executive, the serving member can continue for an additional year.  If any position becomes vacant mid-term, an ad hoc election will take place for a candidate to serve the remaining period in the term.


  1. Finances

UKFND Network will not collect, hold or disburse monies. Members shall be responsible for the costs of attending meetings.


  1. Responsibilities & Duties

Each representative on the committee will be responsible for representing the views of their parent professional organization and for representing the work of UKFND Network within their parent professional organization. This will also mean that each Representative will ensure that they take appropriate steps to liaise with relevant individuals/colleagues and sections within their parent organisation.

UKFND Network members will make it clear when they express personal views, in situations where their affiliation with FN Forum is also relevant or conspicuous.

UKFND Network members will complete a Conflict of Interest form to sit on the Committee as well as for specific project work.


  1. Meetings

There will be at least two formal meetings each year (one tele/video conference and one face-to-face meeting if feasible).

Ad hoc meetings can be arranged as required.

Meetings will be deemed quorate if attended by at least 4 members of the committee. If any member not present objects to decisions of the committee by the time of the next meeting then the matter will be re-opened for discussion.


  1. Constitution

Changes to the constitution may be proposed by any committee member and should be seconded.  The proposal will then be taken for discussion and a decision at the next planned meeting (where an issue is urgent, an extraordinary meeting can be convened to make a decision).

Dr Niels Detert

Chair, UK FND Network


Reach Out

Looking for further FND related links?

View our list of organisations helping those with FND.

Contact Us

Contact the UK FND Network

If you want to get in touch with the network please email

Niels Detert (Chair)  [email protected] or

Clare Nicholson (Secretary)  [email protected]


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